Scrap Silver
Sterling Flatware Sterling Holloware Private Mint Sterling Jewelry
1-500 T Oz 500+ T Oz 1000+ T Oz 1-500 T Oz 500+ T Oz 1-500 T Oz 500+ T Oz
86% 87% 88% 86% 87% 87% 88% Full Melt
Scrap Gold T Oz Pure
1-10 T Oz 10-20 T Oz
93.50% 94%


  • Sterling Jewelry – LEAVE STONES IN – We’ll pay you FULL melt – no deductions on the stones on wearable jewelry
  • Sterling Flatware – Forks, Spoons
  • Hollowware – Everything else
  • Knife Handle:  Large Spot x .5, Small Spot x .25


Using $20 Silver

Examples:  Table Knife Handle = $10, 1 Gross T Oz Sterling Flatware = $17.20, 1 Gross Oz of Sterling Jewelry w/ Stones = $18.50


You can call to lock in your lots at any time and have up to 7 days to delivery either live or via mail.

Call today to set up an account.  You must have an active scrap buying license for your state.

When calling, ask for ‘Charlie’ (our dog) so we know it’s a dealer account.