Gold American Eagles Bullion Coins

The Frederick Coin Exchange is one the strongest buyers of Gold American Eagle coins.

Gold American Eagles were first made in 1986. They were issued as a way to make gold coins available to the American public as an alternative way to invest in gold.

The coins design portrays lady liberty on the obverse of the coin. Similar in design to the $20.00 gold coins made between 1907 to 1933 the St. Gaudens. The reverse is a family of eagles, a image which is used throughout U.S. Coinage history.

Item Buy* Sell**
1 Oz American Gold Eagle

  • Total Weight:33.933 grams
  • Fine Gold: 31.1 grams
  • Finess: 22K or 91.67%
  • Spot + $20
  • Spot + 4.9%
  • i.e. (Spot * 1.049) = Sell Price


Spot refers to the current price of gold. *Buying FROM you **Selling TO you

Please call for buy/sell prices for over 20 pcs.

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These coins come in size from 1 Troy Ounce to 1/10th Troy Ounce.